I'm delighted to say that my very talented French blog friend Coco has generously awarded me and my little blog The Liebster Award. The Award is a means of highlighting blogs that you admire so that others may discover them too. Thank-you so much Coco for your own beautiful blog, for liking mine and for speaking excellent English! Please pop over to Coco's lovely blog here.
About The Liebster Award
It is designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion. Once you've been nominated, you award it to five blogs that you like (that have fewer than 200 followers) to encourage new visitors to visit these blogs. If the award has been received already then the nominator can elect another recipient blog.
Rules for Acceptance
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this lovely award!
My nominations for the Liebster Award
I admire the following five wonderfully inspirational blogs and I would love for you to check them out:
- Anne at http://bollyanne.blogspot.ie/
- Maria at http://cardcreate.blogspot.ie/
- Laura at http://laurabomber.blogspot.ie/
- Geraldine at http://cardsetalia.blogspot.ie/
- Elin at http://elinshobbykrok.blogspot.ie/

Thanks again Coco for such a lovely compliment! This was a difficult choice to make as I follow so many amazing blogs and don't want to offend anyone I've left out. In choosing my nominated blogs I've steered towards those that are less than 2 years old.
Also, I've been absent from blog visits over recent days as it has been a rather tricky week. Hoping to catch up with you all very soon.
Have a lovely St Patrick's weekend.
Nicola x
Thank you so much Nicola...I am in awe of your artistic and creative talent so much, so to be one of your five has me speechless! Thank you again for thinking of me - Lots of love from Laura xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Nicola to have accepted your award and for your kind introduction for myself... but beyoun that, thank you for your so WONDERFUL creations yourself !!! I will have a look on the blogs you honour in your turn as as soon as possible ! Take care, and have a fab week-end... Big hugs, Coco
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award, Nicola - so well-deserved! Hope your weekend is better than the week so far...
ReplyDeleteAlison xx
Hi Nicola, I am not at all surprised that you have been nominated for the award, your work is so beautiful. I have responded separately to your email and do feel very honoured. Hope your tricky week turns into a wonderful weekend. Hope you have a lovely St Patrick's day too. Hugs, Anne x